The choice of the initial programming language to learn varies

There are many programming languages that compete closely for the best starting points in learning coding and their beginnings.
IT Blog and Development
4 minute(s) read
Published on: Feb 06, 2024
Updated on: Feb 06, 2024

Of course, people have their talents and interests, which are responsible for the so-called “best” choice. In general, however, some variables affect language selection among beginners with no experience.

Python and JavaScript

Python and JavaScript lead the way

In recent polls of professional developers and computer science teachers, Python and JavaScript consistently rank as the top recommendations for someone starting from ground zero:

- According to the 2022 Hired Developer Survey, third-placed Python was #1 for beginner initial. Also, about one-fifth ranked JavaScript as their number 1.

- Python and JavaScript also managed to win a poll of 127 computer science teachers when it was asked what the best first language is for new students.

Key Optimization Factors Considered

What accounts for Python and JS as kickoff programming languages? Their popularity stems from how well they do across several key criteria important for novices:


Simple English-like syntax that does not require much knowledge to comprehend is utilized in Python and modern JavaScript. It also makes the code less intimidating and more readable than language that uses curly brackets or is denser.

Immediate Feedback

They also permit immediate execution of useful snippets of code. Novices enjoy the benefits of basic program responses in their first hour of programming without any complicated project setup. Instant gratification helps retention greatly.


Beginning easily, both Python and JS conform to good scalability. With the development of learners, they may have achieved some higher-level applications , including data science modeling and backend web servers, mobile apps, robots & AI systems which is an impressive array to open up jobs.

Community Support

Both programming worlds are also nurtured by vibrant communities and plenty of learning resources that allow for consistent progress–as skills mature. The otherwise laborious processes are handled in well-documented libraries, relieving the developers ’ cognitive burden.


SQL is a specialized language for managing and analyzing data stored in relational databases. As the underlying language behind many popular database systems, SQL skills enable extracting meaningful insights from data for business intelligence and data science. With straightforward syntax for querying, sorting, filtering, and aggregating data, SQL provides a practical introductory language for those interested in data-driven careers. Resources abound for hands-on SQL learning using example database sets on real-world concepts.


For those attracted to building websites and web/mobile applications , HTML and CSS form the foundation for layouts and user interface development. HTML (Hypertext Markup Language) establishes content structure, while CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) brings compelling styling for presentation and responsiveness. Their declarative, English-like nature allows rapid visibility of results from the start while powering interactive sites and taking advantage of JavaScript code as skills progress. The immediacy of outputs provides positive reinforcement as you expand your creative abilities in the vital arena of front-end development.



For those attracted to building low-level software systems, game engines, embedded devices, VR/AR and desktop apps, C++ offers an industrial-grade language bridging hardware access, execution speed and modern programming techniques. Strong demand for high-performance compilers, operating systems, databases, and more keeps C++ among the most employable languages. Fair warning - C++ notorious complexity demands rigor and patience. But bookmarking early triumphs compiling C++ graphics demos helps sustain momentum, conquering the initial steep learning phase towards mastering dynamic systems programming.


Learning C# unlocks backend web development, cross-platform desktop apps, mobile app programming, game creation, and IoT devices, particularly on Microsoft-based technology stacks. As a popular general-purpose language, C# hits a sweet spot between programmatic flexibility and real-world use cases. Mature IDEs like Visual Studio and Unity provide new C# coders with rich, supportive tooling. Transferable OOP skills prepare for expanding towards languages like Java and JavaScript. For those seeking a versatile contemporary language ushering in plenty of career advancement vectors, C# checks many boxes.

The Lifelong Learning Journey Starts Today

While some languages give gentler initial on-ramps over others, dedicating focus to that first coding language paves the way for acquiring additional high-value skills throughout a rich technology career, regardless of the specialty. Wishing you much success on the lifelong developer journey ahead!

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